CHARLES TAN and SAM FRASER on Management Consultancy As A Career Option artwork
Career Success Stories

CHARLES TAN and SAM FRASER on Management Consultancy As A Career Option

  • S4E14
  • 50:59
  • August 2nd 2022

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Charles Tan is a Partner and the Singapore office Lead with ADAPTOVATE Asia Pacific and specializes in strategy and operational Improvement. He has over 20 years of working experience across southeast Asia

and Australia in industries such as financial services, telecoms, tertiary education, agriculture, private equity & utilities.

Joining Charles is Sam who is a Project Lead with ADAPTOVATE and has led multiple teams in financial services through agile transformations and driven shifts in culture.

Both gentlemen responded to questions from a live audience at a public webinar organized by Workforce SG.

Highlights of their insights are summarized below:

  1. What makes the Management Consulting profession an interesting one?
  2. A lot of big boys from the Management Consulting field just hit straight for the graduating cohort & grab the cream of the crop. Did both of you start that way?
  3. You mentioned that you invested heavily. Was it just Financial?
  4. How do management Consultants thrive in domains which are completely new like the Metaverse or post-Covid world where there's no prior knowledge nor experience?
  5. Do you put your potential hires through case interviews?
  6. If you have two individuals coming in with quite similar experiences, to what degree do you focus on EQ and mindset in your selection?
  7. Do you prefer a homogeneous or heterogeneous team?
  8. What are the key things that you look for in a consultant?
  9. Can you share with us the workplace culture at ADAPTOVATE?
  10. Will someone between the ages of 55 to 65 years old be suitable for a management consulting role?
  11. If a consultant is popular with many clients to the detriment of an unequal distribution of work amongst consultants, will you hold this consultant back from taking on more or go where the business goes?

Thank you Charles & Sam for your generous advice & for spending extended time to address more questions from the audience!


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Career Success Stories

Every professional is likely to spend about 40 years in the employment market. In these 40 years, there will be mistakes made (hopefully small ones), lessons learnt, new habits formed and eventually, the everyday version of ourselves will become our best version everyday.

Above all, the stories we hear from others could be the gamechangers we need to give our career a new boost!

Hi, I'm Eileen Seah, an Organizational Psychologist, Executive Coach & founder of The Art of Career and I am the host of this podcast.

Come & be inspired!

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Eileen Seah
Organisational Psychologist

Eileen is an Organisational Psychologist, Executive Coach & founder of The Art of Career.

As an HR Business Partner, she helps companies with their People, Learning & Culture programs, gleaned from taking on diverse roles from front to mid & back office functions across the Defense Science, Banking & Finance, Telecommunications & Management consulting industries.

Eileen was interviewed on national radio ( on how to be happy at work and speaks regularly at corporate as well as government-sponsored events (e.g. listen to the most recent event on

As an Executive Coach, Eileen believes in a psychology-centered approach to help professionals discover the best-version of themselves via a constant renewal of their everyday-self.  Popular coaching topics include leadership presence, career navigation, influence without authority and leadership branding.

As a Content Creator, she has helped companies in reinventing the delivery of Learning programs and spearheaded a talent attraction initiative by showcasing workplace culture & values under the Live Employer Interview label.  At the individual level, she has produced a 22-episode video series as a motivational channel to aid jobseekers in their quest in landing the next role.

Eileen is recognised for her strong service-orientation and innovative thinking, having been nominated twice as a High Potential & Future Leader throughout her career with different companies. She received the prestigious global Beta-Gamma-Sigma award and an HP Silver Award for academic excellence as well as a sports achievement i.e. hole-in-1 for golf.  

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